Resonant Revelations by Anna Ourusoff

Since having connected to EARTHwise through the Leadership Quest, and then the WOMENwise Quest, I have experienced some internal shifts that feel like great tectonic plates moving and reorganizing within me. The oceanic tides of energies, emotions, and mental patterns have begun to reorganize in ways difficult to give words to.

From the very first archetype introduced, the Guardian, I was brought as though for the first time, into my very own existence. Archetypes, as Anneloes explains them in the video here below, are parts of us that contain the wisdoms and patterns of the different cyclical and forming parts of our being. The role of the guardian is to discern, to protect, to stand as vigil for what is most life-affirming. She weaves boundaries that support and help us to thrive. The transmission that I received during the call for this Guardian archetype was at the level of the very ground of my being, one of a realization so profound and stunning, that it was akin to the earth shaking, awakening me to the most amazing revelation: “I exist,” and “I am.” What I have been able to see from this is that so much of my identity has grown on a foundation that is phantom like, lacking substance, missing its place on this earth. This has initiated a journey of re-membering myself, from the ground up.


My meditations have been moving energetic flow through the inner trunk of the toroidal movement, the torus, as Anneloes presents to us, as the living tree of us, the rainbow bridge connector between the earth below, and the sky above. We as the intermediaries that can awaken to our inherent capacity to birth new worlds consciously and deliberately, can create from our love, our generosity, our brilliance, our connection to all of creation, to each other. There is an alchemy that occurs in the beingness together as we experience these ancient eternal wisdoms, rebirthed for us in community where we speak of our experiences, our germinating into the ones we have been waiting for.

What is so stunning to me about being in these contexts of EARTHwise, and what calls my heart to open and trust, is that this happens palpably from the inside out. I have long sensed in myself an aloofness of authority, of an imposition from the outside in of structures that seem contracting, limiting, and even stifling, or more mildly at times, some cultural infrastructures can feel “off.” Though I have managed to follow a trickle in my heart to say no, often I compromise myself just enough to attempt to fit into existing norms and systems, and experience a slow leak of my sense of possibility, of vitality, of what is true, and good and ‘right.’

What I have discovered here at EARTHwise is such a level of integrity, meaning wholeness, commitment to being aligned with the creative flow of life itself, that I can recognize where I have been missing that which I have yearned and sought for all of my life. It has to do with the information, the love, and the allowing that all blended together is an elixir for how we can be, and create from our remembering of the truth of who we are. To begin to clear away the old encrusted outer layers by the beautiful practices of remembering the truth and aligning with it is for me, a long awaited permission to be, to be me, and discover what it is I can contribute from the depth of my being to the greater whole. It must begin for me from this deeply personal, vibrant and alive energy that I love so much, that I seek intimacy with, direct connection to…life itself.

Another shift: something gets activated, awakened into recognition when I simply read about the Priestess and her commitment to the sacred flourishing of all of life. I feel her within me. She has always been there, but now I meet her, and recognize her as a part of me whose love and purpose is in service as bridge between the cosmos and the planet. I have always known this in myself, but never had a framework, a map to see my energetic blueprint.

I feel an instant calibration in my body of a YES, an ancient inner knowing of my purpose. I am simply reading the practice sheet for the course, and I feel something in me finding its truth, its proper place. It is a deep reorganization into coherence, relief, remembering. I can take a deep breath, as I let go of tension, resistance holding on to something that was never me or mine in the first place.

Something I have become so aware of is the outer layers that are like an armouring, and I can ‘see’ them around me, in my habitual behaviours, my inner dialogue. There is a heightened hearing of energetic encrusted ‘stuff’ like cement falling away…

Staying awake to this deeper Harmonics and Truth is one of our most important practices for ourselves and with others.” ~ Anneloes (From the Priestess Archetype Transmission, WOMENwise Quest)

It feels almost too simple…to not have to use the habitual method of strategy and intellectual understanding to get to this place of deep harmony. I feel myself standing in the sacred hourglass shape of my own coherent and flowing torus. I feel a wholeness flowing through me as me.

I am experiencing a deep remembering and in so doing, I am in a direct access to the wholeness I seek. This feels like a direct access to love, to life, to purpose. Beyond the words I am using here.

Thank you for being here, to read, wonder, and open with me.

Anna Ourusoff

EARTHwise Centre – Founding member of the WOMENwise Custodians Council

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